Hey! Did you hear what Alexander nikolas zander oliver vance alan kozik said to that girl?
My name is:
adolph blaine charles david earl frederick gerald hubert irvin john kenneth lloyd nero martin oliver paul quincy randolph sherman thomas uncas victor william xerxes zeus wolfeschlegelsteinhausenbergerdorffvoralterwissenhaft+171
5👍 3👎
A cute guy, normally one who is a bit fat; but still cute.
“Hey, have you seen Oliver Taylor around?”
“No, why?”
“Because I need a cute guy to make fun of for being fat.”
Sexiest man living.
Women want to be around him. Men want to be him.
A King among Kings.
I saw a picture of Oliver Emmerson today, voted sexiest man in the universe. Infinite Rizz.
Oliver Sykes is the sexiest leadsinger from a Metal band alive. He‘s also known as Oli Sykes. He is hot. He has cool tattoos. Yes that’s it :)
Do you know Oliver Sykes{?
You probably mean sexiest lead singer from a metal band alive.
A fine ass man who is amazing at singing/screaming, is hot as fuuuuuck, and a total god
If you talk trash about Oliver sykes I'll find you and beat your ass while blasting Sempiternal & There Is A Hell Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is A Heaven Let's Keep It A Secret
Oliver Sykes is the hottest man in the whole world. He sings in the band Bring me the horizon he also haves a wife (although I would rather be his wife) Alissa Salls . He is a vegan he technically just eats grass but I respect that. He also has a clothing line drop dead which I wish I could afford. He has been cheated before by his previous wife. I love him. Instagram:suckerformusicc
Someone else:He is like Oliver Sykes