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Brown people

No one is exactly sure who 'Brown People' are. It has been used inconsistently throughout history to describe everyone from Italians (in early US immigration history), Malaysians, Indigenous people in Canada, Australia, and the US, people of India, 'mixed' South Africans, and Hispanics.

Where I live it is really in vogue with South Asians/Desis who feel the need to racialize themselves.

This term is used more by some of these groups to describe themselves then it is used by others to describe them.

Did you see those brown people?
Uhmm, who are you talking about?

by RaceScholar November 16, 2010

389๐Ÿ‘ 532๐Ÿ‘Ž

White people

We are not all bad people. As a white person I am completely against ALL types of discrimination, whether it be based on ethnicity, sex, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, etc. I was not responsible for african american slavery due to the fact that at the time my ancestors were in Italy and Ireland, and even if I was, I would be ashamed of my ancestors and it wouldn't be my fault. That's like blaming the Holocaust on Germans who weren't even alive during that time period. (which i'm sure happens but is completely wrong) People need to realize that by calling us discriminatory assholes, that they are guilty of stereotyping as much as some white people. We are ALL people. Something that we were randomly given, such as skin color, does not define our character. Only our hearts can.

White Person: Hi
Person of different ethnicity that believes all white people are bad: STUPID BIGOTED DISCRIMINATORY ASSHOLLE!!!
Person of any ethnicity who doesn't believe stereotypes: Give her a break. All she said was hi. Don't you realize by calling her a bigot solely on the fact that she's white is what you were upset about?

by Iloveallpeople April 23, 2013

2270๐Ÿ‘ 3258๐Ÿ‘Ž

Guns don't kill people, People kill people.

It means that it takes people to kill people with that gun. A gun can't just hop out the holster and automatically shoot it's victim.

Extended Version of "ROMEO MUST DIE"

DMX: Guns don't kill people, People kill people.

Po: You stupid as fuck, nigga.

DMX: Shut the fuck up Chinko before I chunk yo ass up, bitch. This gun can't jump out my God Damn arms and shoot your bitch ass up.

Po and his Crew: Oh.

DMX: (Sucks Teeth and Shakes Head) Stupid ass niggas.

by Jyuzayeguuwah J. Summers November 19, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž

Pig People

Scum of the Earth. Usually you never spot these people unless at a grocery store or in line at a buffet. Usually roam in packs that weigh up to 1500lbs. per group. A single pig person usually consumes 4-10 times the amount of food a normal person would consume per meal. Their physical features are the obvious giant bellies, breasts both on their chest and on their backs, flaps hanging from the arms, an inflated throat sack similar to that of a frog, and a fupa the size of a beach ball.

Donald was at the buffet today when he bumped into a Pig People. His plate he was carrying was immediately sucked into the Pig People's stomach, and was never to be seen again; neither was Donald.

by Donald Squat April 22, 2010

14๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Idiocratic People

The people that are in your English class are really rude

Them Idiocratic People are stupid bitches
I know right?

by fetchilaskonish November 19, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sighted people

Non-blind people.

Term used by blind people to describe those who can see. (hearing people = non-deaf)

"Did you know that sighted people read braille with their eyes!?"

"I'm sick of sighted people thinking I'm stupid. Not all disabilities are cognative!"

"Do you ever forget that everyone else is sighted for a moment?"

by Blind guy Mac Squeezy November 5, 2017

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Little People

a 'Little People' is the Buzzy Beetle from New Super Mario Brothers Wii however it is now widely used as a light insult towards someone or something claiming that they are silly or rude.

The Little People term derived from the buzzy beetle was created during a 2022 New Super Mario Brothers Wii lets play on the popular game streaming platform Twitch, one of the players in the lets play said, I love those 'little people' after encountering one of the Buzzy Beetles and not remembering the correct name in world 8 of the game

Hey Mike, you're a little people

by Bunda Guard January 31, 2023

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