Source Code

sparkling personality

An extremely tight vagina

He could hardly contain himself, thanks to her sparkling personality.

by Yermomsbox October 23, 2018

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Bad person

A person who is laughing at a medical diagnosis or laughed at medical diagnosis

Their laughing at a medical diagnosis.their a bad person

by RedDreams December 13, 2019

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Microsoft Personality

A personality prevalent amongst employees of The Microsoft Corporation. Typically people who have alienated themselves from their friends and family.

The only have meaningful personal relationships with various project managers over Outlook 2004.

"I'm not going to go to my own mother's funeral because she had such a Microsoft Personality."

"I only let him get to 2nd base with me because he was only a Orange Badge."

by Donald Johnson August 21, 2007

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digital person

Someone you know only on the internet

online friends, keypals

by John April 21, 2005

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Box person

People or person that has lived a very sheltered life, therefore have turned into judging ass holes.

these people tend to make fun of and scoff at things that are different to them.

They also are the kinds of people that have no friends when they grow up because they dont like anything that is different to them.

Jane: Peter looked at me like i was a weirdo, because of the way i dresssed.
Lucy: yeah, dont pay too much attention, hes a box person

by Facilis Descernus August 22, 2011

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Media Personality


โ€œIโ€™m a media personality, are u gonna ignore the fact that I have a big boooooty?โ€

by Thot Penetrator April 24, 2019

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sitcom person

a sitcom person is some one who originally had no personality, but then watched a sitcom and said, "oh! so that's how i'm supposed to act!". after this "realization", the person then proceeds to bestowing a personality upon them self and labeling them self with titles such as "evil black person who is the bridge between the black people and the emos" or "terrorist, pedophile, and stalker" and even "fattest person alive", instead of finding a personality like regular people. this, in turn, results with acting to portray their new found "personality", annoying everyone around them to the point of 0 tolerance for the person, other than by other sitcom people, who accept each other and make their own little sitcom lives with each other.

oh my fucking god! kevin is such a sitcom person!! he acts as if he is a terrorist, a pedophile and a stalker just because he's middle eastern, people call him a pedophile, and he follows our group of friends around and it's soooo anoying! he is so ignorant and stupid, i wish he'd just leave us alone!

by a prsn June 27, 2008

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