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art rod

A real bad ass mf that will convince you to do anything from joining the military to washing his car. He also loves arroz con pollo and a 2.2 million dollar apartment in peon tech. he loves his family and will typically have 1-2 unemployed sons throughout most of his life.

Brandon- hey have you seen art rod lately?
Brenda- nah but he is probably eating steak rn

by Roberto Hylburn November 22, 2021

too much rod, not enough cod

The situation is a total sausage fest, too many men, not enough women.

This party blows man, too much rod, not enough cod

by WhyDoISayThings July 7, 2021

1👍 1👎

uranium fuel rods

something you should it

ur mom: I GOT SOME URANIUM FUEL RODS!!!!!11!!!

by i eat uranium fuel rods July 28, 2022

Rod Blending

Rod Blending is when a person puts their penis into a blender.

Gus: Dave...I can't do this anymore, I just saw someone Rod Blending...
Dave: Sounds kinda tasty ngl.

by peegobbler420 March 11, 2021

ground rod

A boring lifeless person who sucks the energy out of everyone around him or her.

Q: Yo, whats up with you and shorty?

A: I had to dead her, she makes everyone around her miserable? She's a ground rod!

by anonymouschickk April 1, 2011

Gizz Rod

A term given to someone who can successfully be a woman repellent unintentionally

Luis went on a party earlier, everyone called him a Gizz Rod

by LePost James November 4, 2022

Pretzel Rodding

The act of sucking someone's fingers in a sexual way. Finger sucking

Tom liked pretzel rodding his partners fingers.

by Tye95 March 24, 2017