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smurf smooking

Smurf smooking is when someone takes laxitive pills instead of lactose, and then eats bluerasberry flavored rainbow bacon and a Mt.Dew bright blue slurpy. After this the person will then crap bright blue and poop smurfs.

Man after today im feeling pretty great, Im going to go smurf smooking.

by Little loofa March 8, 2016

smurf a hammy

An unintended injury

dick : " I'm goin to hit the gym. Get sweaty & grunt when I lift....wanna come?" Gene: " uhmmm nah I'm good. Don't smurf a hammy g. "

by knuckl3b3ry sl1m November 9, 2014

smurf a hammy

An unintended injury

dick : " I'm goin to hit the gym. Get sweaty & grunt when I lift....wanna come?" Gene: " uhmmm nah I'm good. Don't smurf a hammy g. "

by knuckl3b3ry sl1m November 9, 2014

zelly smurf

Jezell Smurf

look at shitface AKA zelly Smurf

by KING fatass May 24, 2022

Licking Smurf

The act of performing cunnilingus or fellatio on a frozen corpse to soothe ones burnt tongue.

"I was visiting my friend in Alaska and burned the hell outta my mouth on a cup of hot cocoa so bad I was licking smurf for like a week. I can't say much for the taste... but I never DID like chocolate."

by Realists June 3, 2022