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ghost doggin' it

To drive so long without sleep or rest you start seeing things on the road (like ghost dogs) that don't exist.

Coming through the Rogers pass I started ghost doggin' it and almost lost the truck on a bend.

by Mannapkin December 25, 2011

Ghost beat

The act of sitting on your hand until it becomes numb. Then after said numbing, quickly beat off with a sensation of being a ghost’s hand.

My friend Mike Brown Ghost beated so experience the feeling on ghost pleasure.

by Mikelovesbananas November 23, 2017

Ghost stories

Ghost stories has the best English dub on it ever

Person one: have you seen that one Anime…. Uhhh Ghost stories I think it’s called
Person two: you think? It’s one of the best Animes you’ll ever see. It’s really funny and I almost cried at the end

by Hbfggsz October 11, 2023

green ghosts

term for americans, specifically white people. Meant to say “gringos” but won’t get picked up by Facebooks hate algorithms.
Also said as “🟢👻”

why do 🟢👻 always get explosive bowels after eating our food?

stupid f***king green ghosts.

by LoudLatto June 20, 2021

Ghost tail

When you leave a room to fart but you return to soon so the fart comes back with you.

Damn, you came back with a serious ghost tail man.

by Curatorium September 30, 2019


Like ghosting, except instead of completely dropping communication, decreasing communication by around 99%

“Ugh, mark is totally soft-ghosting me. We used to constantly talk daily, now he only sends me like one snap a day.”

by Miabia October 16, 2021

ghost hangover

the ghost hangover is one that you experience after multiple days of serious binge drinking. you keep escaping a hangover because you begin your day by getting drunk again....but once you stop drinking, the ghost hangover sneaks up on you!

98% of holiday weekends are followed by a ghost hangover.....

dude, i had a serious ghost hangover this morning after our holiday weekend!

i felt fine the last few days, and then the ghost hangover showed up at my job this morning!

by hello adub May 24, 2010