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Sand Bunny

Refers to white girls that are obsessed with middle eastern men

Home Boy 1: β€œYo you still with Maddy?”
Home Boy 2: β€œnah bro she a sand bunny now.”

by Bizybiz April 15, 2023

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lez bunny

a sexy lezbo girl who likes to play with another girls tits while fingering them up the ass

one girl: man cathy is a lez bunny my ass and tits hurt

by VANILLA THUNDER February 12, 2008

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baked bunny

A girl who thinks she's a bunny from being baked so much. She swears at loud noises, has sex, drinks vodka, nice only sometimes, and can kick anyone's ass. Her boobs are small but are getting bigger every day.

Maggie: Hey, where were you last night?
Tori: Oh, with Robin.
Maggie: Oh, baked bunny?
Tori: Yeah, she was f*cked up and kept yelling. I think it's because was really high and drunk.

by howdoyoulikemenow June 12, 2009

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bi bunny

A bisexual cutey that loves to get crazy.

That short chick over there is a bi bunny.

by last night i got kicked September 2, 2010

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Gut Bunny

The lint caught in a belly button.

Look at that girl sun bathing with a big OL' gut bunny just chillin' there, nasty!

by MR.ZERO July 24, 2011

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Bunny Jumper

It is the manoeuvrings a man takes when he has his pants around his ankles trying to enter a women from the rear and he is 2 feet away

Mate, you should have seen me i was so pissed and could barely walk, let alone perform the bunny jumper on that hot chick.

by LeFarns November 17, 2008

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evil bunny

a person who attacks people but is sexy enough to be a playboy bunny

Joel calls Amanda evil bunny because she loves to attack him and kiss his neck when he is least expecting it.

by Manda Bear<33 December 14, 2006

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