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Organic Dude

Someone who doesn't look that great but is really great for you. No bad effects of dating and you have no regrets for time spent together. The man doesn't make you sick.

Girl1: I don't think Ajay looks hot
Girl2: I'm going for him. He's an organic dude

by kaalika November 18, 2011

Stick Dude

When someone can't draw people he draws stickmen.
Apparently stickmen are cool (some people say) and get called other names like stick dude

1. The new comic book is coming out. It's called The Amazing Adventures Of Stick Dude
2. Person 1: I drew a stickman
Person 2: Aww hes so cool. What did you call him?
Person 1: Stick Dude

by omGitZztheGuYinTHeCoRneRLoL April 25, 2010

A dude is peeping

When a dude is peeping

Hey look a dude is peeping

by Carsino06 January 25, 2021

Hurricane Dude

The most craziest dude with weird hair. His real name is Nick. The most smart, intelligiant people will refer to him as, 'Hurricane Dude' because that is what his hair resembles. He is such a ragamuffin. He threatens to beat girls.


Hurricane Dude is an alright dude.. I guess.

by xxJessiexxxx November 24, 2010

fersure dude

When you cannot express enough derision with direct language that you must resort to euphemism; must be delivered in a mocking tone

"Just park here, we won't get towed"

- "fersure dude"

by the great zeeb March 11, 2021

dude job

Similar to a footjob, but instead of feet it's like from an entire dude

bro fo you want a dude job? because I'm totally up for that

by HaroldIsSleepy July 20, 2023

dude baby

When a dude puts his seed into another dude and they result is a baby

Glenn shot a dude baby into Tim

by Tim Thick April 1, 2018