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Hippie Flipping

When you mix psychedelic mushrooms and MDMA or molly.

Damn do you remember Dave last night?

Yeah man he was hippie flipping

by psyched substance June 9, 2016

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Voltorb Flip

A shitty ass new game on Pokemon instead of slots since slots were banned in the EU. For some reason the US version has it too.

Kid 1: Did you see the new casino game on Heartgold?
Kid 2: Voltorb flip? IT SUCKS!!!

by dinosaurnuggets March 21, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

flip the bit

to make a permanent, irrevocable negative assessment of something or somebody

I flipped the bit on Bush after he started the Iraq war.

I couldn't win her back after we broke up. She flipped the bit on me.

Took Britney long enough to flip the bit on that douchebag K-Fed

by mad men December 21, 2008

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Snap Flip

The sexiest new way to flip homes for a profit. Snap Flip was designed by HGTVโ€™s stars Drew Levin and Danny Perkins.

I wanted to earn money in real estate so I did a snap flip.

Snap flipping houses is a lot easier than I thought it would be.

by socialmaster42 September 27, 2017

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flipping dick

When one becomes extremely irrate over an issue or problem.

I told the fam i failed the second quarter of Algebra II. Eventho I still received my credit, due to my grade in the 1st quarter, my ma started flipping dick.

by MZMIJ January 26, 2010

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Flipping The Pizza

When a man takes his erection and tucks it between his legs and inserts it into his own anus.

Keith walked in on John as he was flipping the pizza.

by keithwalmart January 24, 2011

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Freudian Flip

Like a Freudian slip, but instead flipping someone off. When your hand just happens to have the middle finger up.

Person 1: "You really need to work harder..."

Person 2: * starts scratching their shoulder with middle finger up*

Person 1: "Hey! Are you giving me the Freudian flip???"

by moneyandpower January 2, 2011

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