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When you get pranked by someone repeatedly singing "Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches," to the tune of the Jack Black song "Peaches" from the Super Mario Bros. Movie.

Man 1: "Hey dude did you see what happened in New York yesterday?"

Man 2: "No, what happened?"

Man 1: "Peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches, peaches"

Man 2: "Damn I just got Peached"

by EGS99 April 11, 2023

italian peach

When you fill a vagina with Nutella and proceed to eat it out.

Guy 1: Bro, what's up with all the Nutella?
Guy 2: I'm gonna get an Italian peach.
Guy 1: Dude that's gonna be tasty.
Guy 2: Yup

by RSA-Platinum August 29, 2014

Princess Peach

A princess that always gets kidnapped by Bowser. Bowser even tried to marry her. What a weird turtle.

Mario. Princess Peach is in another castle!

by The iPhone Guy January 15, 2019

Princess Peach

A dude who looks like a girl and is unwilling to give his snatch to Mario because that would be homosexual.

Princess Peach has previously been called Mr. Peach but changed his name so that he can get the attention of handsome Bowser. The Princess wants Bowser's succulent dick, but Mario continues to save him against his will, but he shows emotion to Mario so that his identity is not revealed.

Princess Peach a drag princess.
Princess Peach been tryna get in my asshole.

by D@ddy @ December 1, 2018

princess peach

a girl who gets kidnaped 24/7
toed: Mario you need to save princess peach she got kidnaped again
Mario: but i am just the Plumber

toed: i don't care just save her or else
Mario: ok Luigi come on we need to save the princess

princess peach gets kidnaped 24/7

by Kitten world April 16, 2023

Peach sunkiss

The best peach drink ever

Me:peach sunkiss is the best

by Ayo give me dat chicken October 12, 2021

peach bum

A name describing someone who is easy to bully and tease. The term peach bum refers to the fact that peaches bruise easily, just like the ego (and bum) of the person being teased.

Testa: How am I a peach bum?

Kerra: You're very easy to tease.
Testa: That would be funny if that was true.

by testateaser August 18, 2020