Wind eye: (noun, 😑) an eye condition resulting from any affliction which impairs a person's ability to thrive. Most noticeable in a person's decreased eye lid strength. Treatments include sunglasses, rest, eye drops and eye lid exercises. There is no known cure.
Last night, I successfully eradicated my wind eye from the weekend, but made sure to contract a fresh case this morning 😑
Yo, Jake just busted in 😑 serious wind eye
As a result / the aftermath
“Don’t defy them, or else you’ll wind up like the others”
a phrase you say if you've done something wrong
Jayden: Aw, I forgot to do my homework. Ben: Just do what I do, blame it on the wind.
A release of gas from one's posterior
Guy: Ugh! What's that smell?
Buddy: Sorry boys, I just blew some French Wind..
English converted from Chinese pronunciation"好(hao)美(mei)的(de)文(wen)字(zi)", which means “such beautiful words”. Most of it is used when the other ppl swears bad words and u want to support his/her points, more like a teasing manner.
Someone says "Matt's such an asshole." u r like: "How made winds."
When one woman is rimming a man while another woman performs head on the same man. Looking like one is playing the flute and the other is blowing the bag pipes.
I walked in too Larry's house yesterday and he was teaching wind instruments,Frankie was playing the flute while Norma was blowing the bagpipes son!
1.) An Impressive Fart lasting more than 3 seconds
2.) Poor performance by a Co-Worker or Employee
Billy let out a nice Shit wind. OR
Nick is a real Shit Wind!