A person on cocain pillows Like the items women use to apply powder to there face
Bob "Yo Hows you dad"
Germain "Not good man he's a pillow head"
Bob "Oh that sucks"
Someone who's "touching cloth" (in serious need of a shit and is breaching the gate) and has a prolapsed rectum
John: that guy with the pink ribbons walking a bit tight swift?
Fred: obviously got turtleneck head calling
Not necessarily canon, but canon in your own perspective. Your own alternate perspective of what’s canon.
In my head-canon, Mario in the original Donkey Kong games from the early ‘80s is actually the father of Mario and Luigi. That Pauline is probably a different Pauline. Maybe it’s modern Pauline’s mother. The second Mario in Donkey Kong Jr. is Mario and Luigi’s random uncle.
When an individual’s nips are hard or poking
Girl one: hey ur head lights are on
Girl two:oh my gosh thank you ,do you have a jacket I can borrow?
Girl one:yeah of course!!
Girl two:thank you
A person who eats, sleeps, researches, dreams and talks constantly about Snowmobiling. People that think about Snowmobiling in the Summertime, chat on sled forums wearing their bathing suit and like fixing and tweaking their own Snowmobiles. This also includes somebody who spends all their time drooling in front of the dealership showcase.
My wife is starting to get pissed about my constant sled-talk. Yeah sure last season was jacked due to mother nature but us Sled Head's don't give up that easily.
The act of giving someone oral sex while participating in the activity of sledding. Common in northern areas with constant snow.
Sam: Hey Tori, how was sledding?
Tori: It was good, why?
Sam: Oh nothing, just heard you and Connor had a good time, thats all.
Tori: What is that supposed to mean?
Sam: Theres a rumor that you gave him sled head.
Tori: Damn straight I did.
Someone who is an annoying stupid person.
Oh my he's such a bum head, I wish he would just listen before over -reacting.