The felling of numbness in one's testicle after back banging (analy) during hour - long fucking activity
Giani sure fuck that Oleggio hoe, cause he got a dumb ball. He better put some marinara sauce on it.
The thingy that connects your balls to your pp
My ball tract hurt , the thingy near my balls
Joking or messing around with somebody. Created by Aiden Mann.
Lucas: Dawg I just killed your cat.
Sarah: What! Did you really?!
Lucas: Nah, I’m just playin with your balls.
An athlete, coach, or sports fan who is solely concerned with happenings on the field and doesnt concern themselves with other distractions.
Greg doesn't watch the Super Bowl Commercials or Halftime Show because he's about ball.
When your cum gets stuck to your ball hair and makes little hardened cum balls
After I fucker her I had so many ball boogers
Someone who suffers from chronic ball stink
Greg: Should we invite John to our poker game tonight?
Crystal: No he never showers, he's got stinky balls syndrome!
John: I'm da best 😎
One ball deep, a moment in hardcore intercourse where your scrotum/ballsack/magicfloaty bits become hard like a rhinos skin an the smaller testicle slides in the gash of glory...
Julian: come on guys am nearly one ball deep.
Noel : I only answer to swampy .