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Tribal Face Paint

When someone on their period sits on your face.

“Oh yeah dude! I felt like chief of the tribe when she rode my face! Tribal Face Paint all over!”

by Furphobic November 24, 2023

look at he face

A line coming from the show "Breaking Bad" generally a show of contempt for someone wanting sympathy.

also used for a cute baby.

A guy in jail has run out of food, looks pathetic. You go "look at he face!"

You see a cute baby in the mall and his cute mom, you go LOOK AT HE FACE!

by Ol-dick October 24, 2013

gave me face

when a man gives a woman oral sex

that guy gave me face; it was so good!

by imhimurnot November 9, 2022

Squirrel Face

A squirrel face is someone with bushy eyebrows

Look it's that bitch squirrel face again! Such a miserable thing..

by _n_i_n_j_a October 20, 2018

Pasta Face

Going down on a girl while on her period

He looked up at me with a pasta face.

by NailsBakingBandit December 11, 2014


Misbehaving with dyed-blonde hair when you aren’t naturally blonde.

A portmanteau of Gavrilo and Galvini, due to Rome’s penchant for blonde slaves visible in Classical Art, plus the suffix -face. Kinda like Black-face, also at odds with white supremacy.

“Bro, that spaz went full Galvrini-face on us!!!”

by yakrank September 24, 2020

face video

A music video focusing exclusively or almost-exclusively on the singer's face -- perhaps most famously in recent memory, Sia's "Buttons". Often shares similarities the walking video.

1: Come to my house, we're filming a music video for my band
2: What, like a face video? As if you could even pull THAT off.

by noreallyitsnot August 4, 2009