Sonething mac tells you when he is lieing , not just a lie a bold face lie.
Thats a bold face lie , what a bold face lie , dont bold face lie like mac.
When you're at work... and you wonder how other people are SO stupid. You officially give the "Chris Facepalm." Meaning, you lower your head, put your hand on your forehead, cuss a few times and say "What in THE fook."
Did you see the task description this person just made? It makes NO SENSE! "CD Face Palm" here.
It is the front of your head. it includes your mouth and nose. DO NOT FORGET EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is also LOL 10. How cool!
The best comeback of all time to any insult.
Person 1: "That makes no sense"
Person 2: "Your face makes no sense" (W comeback)
When you want to get back at someone but you have no roasts.
“You are so weird”
“Your face”