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The dog is a type of canine that was domesticated by humans.
It has the scientific name of Canis lupus familiaris and was originally descended from wolves.

I love my dog Duke.

by My dog Shyro October 21, 2021


Most find it a loving companion. Terrorists and Ruskies use it to blow stuff up

Red Army Soldier: Blyat! Get that tank, Fido! Dog: Arf! -kaboom-

by EjectedCasings April 2, 2021


A being very precious to mankind.

Dogs are the best.

by Geek of the greek da the anime February 7, 2022


A type of animal that people own or like to play with

Or someone who is a filthy and just does anything the boys tell him

Hey look at that dog over there. Is his name bhavesh

by Scoady Fritter May 23, 2021


God backwards

Dog is literally God backwards.

by DarkStarsGaming November 22, 2021


A type of animal that gamers who don't touch grass know as water.

Toxic Gamer: "Dude your dog!"
Gamer2: "Dog backwards is god"

by your mom your mom November 1, 2021


A slang term for toes

"Ew, he has his dogs out and they stink."

by moonie.eh.oh May 18, 2022