a damn tasty food or snack, that encourages a happy feeling in the mouth and stomach.
"Yo dawg, you got any hot bites?"
Shooting a rope in a cross formation on someone’s ass.
“Mike gave me a hot-cross bum last night”
a vagina with a yeast infection
my hot wet and stanky won't quit stankin
Hot & gorgeous is defined as the following
Zoë is hot and gorgeous.
a girl who wears airforce 1s and has long ass nails.
Dude Trisha is such a hot cheeto girl.
Hot Cheeto Girls typically refer to Black or Latinx women (typically middle-high school) who act like they're all that. They, hence, the name, eat hot Cheetos (because it's 90% of their diet) and usually have edges that look like stage curtains. Hot Cheeto Girls have exactly 10 words in their vocabulary and are barely passing whatever grade they happen to be in. Most of them are midgets (based on my personal experience). Their closets consist of dirty Air Forces, the same sweater every day, and bookbags that look like hand-me-downs. Hot Cheeto Girls have a habit of messing of messing with people who haven't done shit to them. They also like doing crappy Tik-Tok dances, and just looove to copy off of people's homework (because doing it's too hard). Most of them use really strong perfume to cover up the fact that they smell like fish and shit. They happen to stay in groups because they're too scary when they're alone. They like insulting people when they don't get what they want.
Random Person: *Minding their own business...*
Also Random Person: *Looks back for about a millisecond.*
Hot Cheeto Girl: HEY, YOU WANNA FIGHT?!?!
Random Person: No...?
Random Person: *Doing their work.*
Random Person: No.
Hot Cheeto Girl: FUCK YOU, HOE!!
Random Person: Fuck you too.
A girl who always acts ghetto all the fucking time munching an any god damn hot chips there is in existence like ongod , and even if you were to look at her she will be all pissy and bitchy for no god damn reason like gfy
Did you ask for an example? Here ya go
Student: *looks at the girl*
The girl: what you lookin' at bitch?
Student: what did I do?
The girl: everything, you got me in trouble, got my chips token away, every single thing JUST STOP IT OH MY GAWD *starts whining to her friends*
The student: i didn't do anything to you, never even once, dumb bitch... you belong in the streets, stupid hot cheeto girl