herb meaning stupid, retarted etc.
You're a cock bastard mad stupid.
a homosexual of pigmented skin with a rather large penis who has sexual intercourse with human vegetables.
Russel: Hey Henry, don't be such a faggot cock dike twink!!!
Henry: I'm not being a faggot cock dike twink! You are you fucking chink!
A twizzler made of cocks, typically multiple braided into the form of a twizzler.
Oh my god! Tori you turned the quadruplets into a cock twizzler!
The cocks are a group of menices contain the following cocks: cock, cooked coops, boudsy, doe, neussy, group and grued. These cocks aren’t the typical bunch, you etheir find the cocks at the current locations : farny, ep main, shelly’s, or kemp if they aren’t in the surf one of them will be out scavenging for a duzz.
The cock is a metaphorical term for a hard penis
You think she likes the cock that girl loves the cock
Another word for penis.
"Johnny got kicked in the pee-cock at school again."