when a guy eats her out while she's on her period.
Driving home, looks in the rearview mirror and sees "Licko the Clown" also known as crimson clown face.
The face a white person makes when passing somebody in the street.
Hey! Stop pulling that bread face and smile properly!
Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog,
Son of man, set your face toward Gog, of the land of Magog,
Dan Shaughnessy is an American sports writer, and while he writes for the Boston Herald, he seems to have a general hard-on for hating all Boston sports. Considered a clown by many other writers, and has "Punch My Face" written all over his.
It IS possible to have "Punch My Face" written on it. Just look at Dan Shaughnessy.
when someone has an idiot face and they are stupid
you are a stupid idiot face
A sexual move between two constipated men in which they take turns doing anal, shit the cum-covered feces, and then smear each other's faces with their concoction before making out.
Daniel and Hunter's love was so deep they even went as far as giving each other African Face masks.
when someone who is normally ugly is especially scary on a given day.
Did you see that fat chick in the front row? Yeah she has her yeti face on today.