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Poo ninja

The stealthy little bastard that haphazardly leaves brown marks on your undies. Also acts as a scapegoat to take the blame for unexplained events for which you would normally be blamed.

Also known as the pantie assassin (for girls :-p )

Damn - the poo ninja's dealt to my tighty whities!

Dad: "Where'd all the change from my jeans' pocket go?"
Son: "poo ninja must have got it."

by Dion_B June 14, 2006

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Ninja Girl

The Hottest kind of Girl ever. To fit this definition, a chick must:
-be hotter than a herpes pee-burn
-be wildly sexually aggressive
-be proficient with the Shadow Arts and all kinds of weapons
-be able to walk through walls
-have an ass like 'that'
-play video games
The Ninja Girl is an ellusive breed, and usually ends up being lesbians much to the chargrin of malekind.

Person 1: "Man, I was talking to this chick Rachel and she was SO hot..."
Person 2: "No shit? Tell me bout this chick!"
Person 1: "Dude, she was the hottest chick ever... she plays counter-strike, can strip down AK-47s in 17 seconds, has an ass like BLAM-O and has a clit ring!"
Person 2: "Oh damn! I know who you're talking about! That's Ninja Girl Rachel! Bitch is on FIYAHHH! But..."
Person 1 & 2: "SHE'S A LESBIAN :( "

by therealtruthson November 27, 2010

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Quazi Ninja

A quazi ninja is one who was not born as a ninja, but later became as close to to a ninja as humanly posable. Quazi ninjas can't join orders like ION or the killacon organization, but has the luxury of being a ninja which is still flippen awsome. Most quazi ninjas started becoming ninjas at a young age by watching anime and dressing like a ninja. This prosess continues to about the age of 17, when they are isolated for being "different" and starts collecting weapons and pratice in the back yard, getting better as they go. At this point, they have a good fighting skill, and own a ninja suit and weapons and has a high skill of steath. The quazi ninja draws its power from anime, manga, TMNT, ramen, hentai, and all things japanese, and the thought of being as close to a ninja as posable. The biggest source of quazi ninjas are the "geeks" at school or locked in their basement. The quazi ninjas greatist skill is making you believe that they think they are ninjas but not. This is deadly. By this error in judgment, you have set yourself up for a quick and unexpected death. The truth is, a quazi ninja is still a ninja but without the title, but still as deadly. Quazi ninjas can be found in school, in the office, at the store, on the street, at your home, and even on the internet. If you encounter a quazi ninja, you wont know it untill its too late...(note: you probly have meet one, but didnt know it)

most modern ninjas are quazi ninjas, because they are not bound to a single race. a quazi ninja can be black, white, asain, european, jewish(not really), afganie, or a flippen hippo. it doesnt matter. but quazi ninjas are NOT fat. fat ninjas do not exist, with the exception of tubby-moto from xaiolin showdown. Quazi Ninjas are still ninjas, regardless. a ninjas best disguise is that of a normal person.

by Kuronin May 2, 2007

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bowel ninjas

Term used for when you are having stomach pains or are on the verge of having chronic diarrhea.

I always get bowel ninjas after I eat too much.

by Ernie McFarles November 8, 2010

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bathroom ninja

โ€“noun, plural -ninjas.
a person who sneaks into restaurant, retail store, or quick mart for the soul reason of using the restroom and doesn't make a purchase.

Manager: Did that gentleman buy anything?
Cashier: No, he was just a bathroom ninja.

by lookslikelolita August 1, 2008

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Photo Ninja

A photo ninja is a person who, rather sneakily, poses in the background of a photo, unknown to the subjects of said photo. Photo ninjas can be anybody, though they typically are the kind who dance with themselves at parties, talk to the corner, engage in no social action, etc. They are nothing like real ninjas, except that they are silent and they deal a fatal blow; that being the ruining of photos everywhere.
Today, the modern photo ninjas is of the Facebook variant, which means that their main goal is to boost their Facebook "pictures of" count. They lie awake at night, sweating, maybe panting, in anticipation of an email telling them that "______ has tagged a photo of you on Facebook". At which point the pump their meaty fists in the air and celebrate this victory. Thus, they focus their beady eyes on the soon to be marked comment space. Pounding the F5 key in hopes of a comment from a hot girl who's photo he ruined.
Such is the eventful life of a Photo Ninja

Girl1 (commenting): OMG we look so fiiiiine!!!1!! I love you!
Girl2 (" "): I knooowww! Hold up, is that richard on the backround?? OMG he is so nasty =O
Richard (" "): Hey girlllzz, like me and my fine threads with you fine-looking ladies. Hot damn we look fine
Girl1 (" "): I think I just threw up

A common Facebook Photo Ninja springs into action...and is shot down

by SpicyyMchaggis May 13, 2008

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Ginger ninja

an overly exuberant, red haired individual

have you seen ted?

hasn't stopped moving all morning. he's being a bit of ginger ninja today

by cleo.eats.it December 20, 2009

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