The Box Game is where a number of lads, preferably in the range of 3 to 4, sink a 12 box of beer in quick succession, bar a certain number of bottles offered by the equation: x = n(lads). With this equation expressing the number of beers that must be retained, they are then removed from their box. With the box, the smoker of the group shall light the top of the box, and it is then a competition in sequence, much like a spelling bee, to place the box upon one's head and scull their beer, and only then can the box be placed upon the next candidate's head. The game stops when somebody quits as the box quickly incinerates towards one's cranium.
It is an increasingly competitive code, with a special appearance at the 'Games of the I Olympiad', today known as the Summer Olympics, which were held in Athens, Greece in 1896.
Damn bro, we should so do the box game and see this munter burn his scalp again
A large box that can become anything and everything you want it to be. Unfortunatley, you cannot be in the box. Nothing is in the box. Ever. Once you put something in the box, it disappears, and it only comes back when it leaves. You may here voices coming from the box, but just ignore them. There is no one in the box.
If I was in the imagination box, and my shirt was also in the imagination box, I would be too sexy for it. But I'm not in the box. Nobody is in the box...
When one sleeps under the covers and farts, trapping oneself in the aroma of said fart
Josh: Bro, I shouldn't have had that halal last night because while I was sleeping, I booty boxed myself
Kevin: Ew, you're nasty bro
When you cum inside your girlfriend/wife too early and she makes you eat her out, cream-pie and all, immediately afterward as punishment.
Guy: ohhhh shit....
Girl: Did you really just cum already?!
Guy: yeah. Sorry...
Girl: Well, in the penalty box you go. This ones a five minute major
When the moot is so fat, the vag is outlined by the light blue calvin klein undies, creating a box shape. Though previously hidden very well, was exposed when a certain northmead individual wore stolen undies on a byron bay holiday. One can describe the box moot as chunky, thick, juicy and plump, taking the shape of a box.
“Wow Saarah that’s a lovely box moot”
“Saarah that box moot was something else” Aidis
To be fired, sacked or kicked out of an establishment in an unexpected, brutal or indiscreet manner.
Didn't you know? Tom got glass boxed yesterday.
Careful, don't do that. You may get glass boxed.