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Holy Child

A school located in Potomac MD that seriously needs a renovation..the new MS is nice but the high school is like SE. The girls...? Eh. Most are really ugly, but it looks like the MS girls are gonna kick ass. Not one fat whore there. The education SUCKS, though. Seriously like they're SO stupid. They can't spell at ALL and they do prealgebra in like 10th grade.

Don't waste your time unless you want really nice girls..you won't get anything else, but there aren't cliques or anything. I'd spend my time at Visi, AHC, Holton or SR. But if you're desperate. GANGSTA.

Hey...I didn't get into any schools so it was HC or live on the streets..how do you spell garage again?

by brendan December 10, 2004

54๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

Man child

(Australian context) A boy who goes through puberty at a very young age, and is usually the tallest and oldest looking amongst his peers between the ages of 11-13. After that, he stops growing, and his peers go through puberty and become the same size/taller than him in the later teenage years. Despite this, however, a manchild will retain his characteristically mature features well into later life.

twelve year old boy1: dude, that guy over there has already started shaving. And he's like taller than all of us.

twelve-year old boy2: Yeah, he's such a man child!

(4 years later)
16-year old boy1: Hey look, it's the same guy we were calling a manchild 4 years ago! What happened man, he used to be taller than all of us, now he's like 5'9.5'' and we're all 6'1'' !!

16-year old boy2: I know, he's actually the same size he was when he was 12. But dude, he's still a manchild- look at his awesome stubble and hairy arms!

by AusDesi August 15, 2009

85๐Ÿ‘ 190๐Ÿ‘Ž

wonder child

A child who has never been banned from anything, or has never done anything bad.

Person 1: Damn, I just got banned from eating cheese

Person 2: Im so perfect that I havnt been banned from anything ever!

Person 1: Damn, I just stole from my mother

Person 2: Ive never done anything bad, EVER!!!

Person 1: Damn that person 2 person is a freaking wonder child, I need to go cry to my therapist

by ne0_shiny April 13, 2005

7๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that you beat for fun.

I enjoyed smacking the shit out that child.

by Witherless76 May 31, 2017

1๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

child skin

Also known as FUPA (Fat Upper Pussy Area). This occurs after some very unattractive women have children. After they give birth, they have excess skin above their vagina. Hence the term, child skin.

"She gave good head, but her child skin was sagging to the grownd."

by T-Bone March 8, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Fail Child

A child that kind of sucks at life.

The 6-year old boy that decided to hop in the helium balloon thinking it would be fun, but then come to find out that he was hiding in his house the whole time, while the police and every other law enforcement agency is looking for him. fail child.

by ObamasKidz October 16, 2009

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

fatherless child

A stupid phrase the boys use to insult anyone who they think is weird, especially to people of the LGBT+ community and furries.

"Hey, your a furry? Ha! You fatherless child!"

by Onuk Igatana March 6, 2022

22๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž