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Austin Peay State University

Regional university located in Clarksville, Tennessee, on land which has been used for educational purposes since 1806. APSU offers majors in programs as diverse as Agriculture, Business, Computers, Education, Nursing, Theater & Dance, etc. Currently the fastest growing university in Tennessee.

H.S. student #1: Where are you applying to college?
H.S. student #2: Austin Peay State University - I want to major in Psychology. What about you?
H.S. student #1: Me, too - I want to major in Physics.

by JKHero January 30, 2009

18👍 6👎

Austin's Icy Hot Challenge

A very painful experience where a guy, either alone with a group of at least 3 friends, takes a good amount of Icy Hot in there hand and applies it on there genitals, then you see who can stand it the longest before someone go try to get it off.

" I tried, Austin's Icy Hot Challenge, last night. It felt like the devil was roasting my ball sack"

by SirSaucy July 9, 2012

18👍 7👎

Austin Peay State University

Located in Clarksville, Tennessee, off of the banks of the Cumberland River (i.e. Nashville's sewer), Austin Peay State University (APSU) is a four year public university to attend when one has just enough money to join the exodus out of Memphis, Tennessee, but not quite enough to escape Tennessee itself. APSU retains an environment where music, art, the humanities, and academic dishonesty (in "dem tuff classes") are greatly appreciated as STEM departments at APSU dramatically lower their standards so that students cannot fail on campus. A diploma from APSU will definitely make you stand out well—like an un-robbed house in Memphis. However, good luck anywhere else on Earth! Let's go Peay!

I want to attend Austin Peay State University so that I can walk alone on an empty, silent, freezing, windy campus, smell the Cumberland River's sewage, listen to the highways' traffic, eat at the extremely limited dining facilities on campus, succeed in my classes that do not prepare me for anything, and get an APSU diploma that will only land me a minimum wage job for the rest of my life. Let's go Peay!

by 7even 4our 1ne September 4, 2019

7👍 3👎

stone cold steve austin

Another term for alcohol abuse.

"... And thats the bottom line, cuz STONE COLD SAID SO!"(As I crack open two full beers and manage to only get one good swig out of the cans I've poured all over myself).

-Stone Cold Steve Austin-

by jpz0r December 5, 2006

165👍 231👎

Austin’s really sus tent

It’s on its on level from Austin’s sus Tent this time he likes Erin and she gave him blue balls before so when she goes into the tent this time he’s doing anal

Erin: not anal in the Austin’s really sus tent
Austin: u gave me blue balls bitch

by Meazar November 28, 2018

National Promote Austin Day

December 18th is National Promote Austin Day. This is for Discord owners. Discord owners have to promote everyone named Austin in their Discord server.

Austin: Promote me.
Owner: Why?
Austin: Its December 18th. National Promote Austin Day!!
Owner: Oh right. Ok then!

by December 18, 2020

Emma Rose Marie Austin

My ex best friend. The person I’d have done anything for, and I still probably would if she asked. We’re not friends anymore, but despite that, I still care about her. We may not be friends, but she’ll always have a place in my heart, and I wouldn’t trade the time I got with her for the world. Her smile and her laugh, the way she does what she wants even if people are judging. The way she can make anyone smile. She gives great hugs and always has energy. It sucks that things didn’t work out between us, I’m still trying to move on, but I hope she’s happy and I hope things work out for her. I hope that even if we never speak again, that I still get to watch her grow as a person. And I hope she’s happy, really happy. She deserves the world.

Who’s that?

Oh, that’s Emma Rose Marie Austin. (smiles sadly) She’s wonderful

by Human34 December 3, 2022