When you get hammered at a party and take a shit in the hosts fish tank
I had a Tennessee Boat Launch at a party last night
With a girl (or guy) standing in front of you and you both face the same direction, she (he) reach behind them and jerk you off, like they are driving a motor boat.
She gave me the old motor boat last night.
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The act of sneaking on to someones boat late at night and deficating on the deck or preferably in a stateroom.
I just took a townes boat ride on that canoe over there.
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'noah get the boat' is an expression based the Abrahamic idea of 'Noah's Ark', where Noah boards an Ark with a few humans and animals and leave the rest of humanity to die in a destructive flood. The statement is often used when a person sees something so horrible or cursed that they feel like wiping out humanity and starting anew.
Person A: "Have you heard? A man apparently got his sister pregnant during a party."
Person B: "noah get the boat"
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"The OC boat docking"
Da-ohh-sea bow-ta dak-ing
The OC boat docking is similar but not to be confused with its sexual counterpart that is the space docking. Where, these two differ is the act before deficating into a vagina. With the space docking one just shits into a participating women's vagina. Much like a space shuttle docking at a space station. The OC boat docking involves releasing ones booze filled urine from a night of pounding natural lights and fireball into the participating females puss hole. Following this act of R. kelly like style urination
the male then lines up his turd cutter with the females frontal butthole I.E vagina and then he releases his old bay infested turds into her pee filled sex hole. Much like a boat docking into a boat slip outside of The Strangler on a Sunday. This sex move derives it's name from the shore side town of Ocean City, Maryland. It's origin is said to have begun from a house on lark lane on a "sonny" day. Now, widely popular. You can hear tales of the OC boat docking throughout the mid-Atlantic.
Mitch"Bro, did you hear about what Turbo Tom pulled off last night?"
Jake "no"
Mitch" he pulled of the OC boat docking, there was a fucking mess everywhere"
Jake "hell yea, to the moon bro"
The nickname Dirty Boat Guy or "DBG" is associated exclusively with the US Navy's Special Warfare Combatant-craft Crewman (SWCC, pronounced “swick”). SWCCs are more commonly referred to as Naval Special Warfare “Boat Guys.”
The true and complete history of the DBG nickname is unclear, but the battlefield bravery and late night debauchery associated with the title live on in infamy…
“Grab your kit, check your weapons, and fire up the boats. We’re expecting heavy seas and rain tonight… time to get your Dirty Boat Guy on.”
“I realize you Dirty Boat Guys are going out tonight and that’s fine, but I better see your asses here ready to drive fast and shoot hard by 0600.”
“You did what? Oh bro, you Dirty Boat Guy'd the hell out of that chick!”
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The hawtest man out there. Even sexier when he's on a boat in his life jacket with the water misting in his face.
DAUMMMM Alex frm the boat is a hawtyyyyy!!!!
Alex from the boat is cute