Basically a kid named Steven. But is pretty OK when hes getting insulted for being short
An annoying robot, trying to buy into your personal information, scam you, or just annoy you.
John: "Dude, this bot keeps tagging me in a free amazon gift card scam.
Colby: "You sure it's not a scam?"
Max: "Of course it is, dumbass."
Derogatory slang for someone who presents mentally deficient qualities in action and/or thought, much in vain to the likes of "retard", "dumbass" or "idiot".
Bill: "Man, I walked past this one sped kid in the hallway and he started chanting random shit and flapped his arm at me."
Nicholas: "Heh, he's such a bot."
Wait? Why don't we just tell Russians to stop going to war?
Are you ok? Bot.
A derogatory term for a person who is not good at the game they play. The term bot originated from npc players (non player controlled) and usually they were not good at the game so when you are called a bot you are being compared to one.
Me: Wanna play fortnite?
Friend: nah you a bot
A person who believes on what they see on the internet or getting taught fake information an thinking its true
You a bot for believing that person existed years ago