A Charlotte Airport is a form of flaking where someone tells you they will be there in a certain amount of time, and then extends it, and repeats this process. Sometimes they will show up.
The origin is believed to come out of an experience where someone was informed at an airport in Charlotte, NC, that their flight would be delayed for 10 minutes. This process was repeated for roughly 40 minutes.
Bones pulled a Charlotte Airport on her when he said he'd be there in 10 minutes, then said he had an appointment that he forgot about, then said he'd be there in an hour.
Everyone who attends this school is bonkers. Absolute nutcase. The students here are comparable to monkeys in straight jackets. Lots of school spirit tho. Poor as hell.
"I'd never go to Port Charlotte High School. Everyone at that school has lost their minds"
she is always there and sometimes a little too empathetic. she’s SO DAYYYMMMMM GORGEOUS AND KNOWS IT. and mayyybeee thinks she’s every teachers favorite, but know deep down she’s not… charlotte, if ur reading this, you know it’s me :) She loves cartoons and anything to to with Spider-Man.
omg look! It’s CHARLOTTE TYLER.
ikr? She’s the BEST
a beautiful tall long legged goddess, she may seem shy and reserved when you first meet her but once you gain her trust she will become a loud, bubbly, and a funny person to be around. she can be seem annoying or dumb at times but she will always have your back as long as you have hers. she doesn’t know how to take compliments but deep down actually really likes them. her confidence is low but her ego is big which makes her seem bitchy at times but she truly is the best person you’ll ever meet. (also she makes bad life decisions and falls for poo poo heads)
person 1: wow!! charlotte elizabeth wingrove sure is beautiful.
person 2: yeah but it’s a real shame you can’t date her...
person 1: why can’t i date charlotte elizabeth wingrove!? she’s amazing in every way!!
person 2: mannnn she only likes poo poo heads.
person 1: dang that’s a shame.
im pissed! Why? cause i was walking down the street eating a sandwich, and some dumb ass with a charlotte mudflap runs past and it blew all over my sanwich!
Hi Everyone I'm Charlotte Bradley owner of Love Filthy Cleaning Ltd Company based in Tolworth, Surbiton, United Kingdom and our company is providing best commercial and residential cleaning services in Surrey.
Hi Everyone I'm Charlotte Bradley owner of Love Filthy Cleaning Ltd Company based in Tolworth, Surbiton, United Kingdom and our company is providing best commercial and residential cleaning services in Surrey.