The Creeper is when you put a firecracker in your partner’s anus or vagina. As the genital explodes, you lick off the blood and after that you receive a blowjob.
I loved it when Sally did The Creeper with me, although I don’t remember much because I passed out.
During sex, start hissing and once your girl ask you what's wrong press into her ass and nut screaming BOOM!
My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday after I did The Creeper in her.
When a person sneaks into a secluded area and spies an unsuspecting nude sunbather ass up and decides to say hello by quickly and susprisingly tossing her salad
Bill saw a sweaty glistening ass facing him when he came to clean the pool today and gave her the old brown nose creeper.
Deliberate mounting of a man within the city limits of Heber City, Utah. Riding commences slowly and with intense eye contact. Best performed between the hours of 5 and 11pm.
Did you hear the news? Billy Bob got the Heber Creeper from Sally Ann last night down by the creek.
Someone who experiences tantalizing sensations, sitting in, listening in, hanging in the background, silent and waiting on Zoom meetings. Like a fly on the wall, the Zoom Creeper lurks! Beware, the Zoom Creeper!
Bill: Hey Ted! Did you hear a chime?
Ted: No! Why?
Bill: Better check the attendees and see if we have a Zoom creeper lurking... I think I heard some heavy breathing
A turd creeper is when you feel like you need to pass gas, but a turd creeps out instead.
When I woke up in bed I thought I needed to pass some gas but was surprised by a turd creeper.
When a Creeper comes up behind you and explodes you, and you meet your demise. Unexpectedly, of course.
Person: *playing Minecraft Hardcore when a Creeper explodes behind them (in this case a Ninja Creeper* OH MY GOD 2 YEARS JUST FOR THIS TO HAPPEN YOU GOTTA BE JOKI-