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Digital is a name used by many people who seem to be asian and have a small penis. Digitals also seem to always make Destiny 2 jokes (mostly Gambit) and always make me wanna kill myself with a 12-gauge shell to the fucking skull

Digital is a fucking retard

by IGuessIDo February 28, 2022

ten digits

Describing someone whose phone number isn’t saved as a contact in your phone.

Friend: how are things going with that guy you’re texting?

Me: he still only ten digits

by Kekefifi223 June 13, 2022

national digital camera day

on august 21 everyone will celebrate by taking pictures on there digital camera!!

“hey wanna take a picture? it’s national digital camera day!”

by marcopolo12333444 July 7, 2023

Digital Begging

Asking friends and family to subscribe to, comment on or follow a social media channel or page and/or press the bell icon.

His digital begging has known no bounds since he has entered the competition to have the maximum subscribers of a YouTube channel by the month's end.

by June 14, 2021

Digital noob1233

A person on the internet that isn't that smart. Spams the damn chat and has a 1 byte storage brain.

This digital noob1233 is fucking spamming the chat again for the 10202030344547th time.

by 4380384 December 8, 2020

Digital Humans

"Digital humans are interactive, AI-driven representations that have some of the characteristics, personality, knowledge, and mindset of a human." - Gartner

Well, the digital humans at Home Depot were clustered in the plumbing aisle causing a huge traffic jam for the actual humans, me, trying to get my toilet repair kit.

by jmacofearth November 13, 2023

Digital Prostitute

Someone who uses dating apps such as Tinder, Buble, Plenty of Fish, etc. to either promote their Only Fans, sell their "content", or offer sexual services for money. They often try to get you to add their Instagram or Snapchat account. They typically unmatch with you shortly after their solicitation.

High School Ian: "Did you get any matches on the app?"
College Mike: "Yeah, but they were all Digital Prostitutes, so I deleted the app."
Dave: "As you should, The Hub is free!"

by Lonely_bastard July 12, 2024