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dirty decade

When nine people have sex with on woman. Three of them have they're dicks in her vag, three in the asshole and three dicks in her mouth at the same time. Mostly performed by the french, germans, and brazilians.

Ben: Holy shit dude, did you see that dirty decade on the live stream last night?

Jerry: No I had work you lucky bastard

Ben: I thought it was nasty as fuck bro

Jerry: I would totally join in on that dude. that shit is hot

Ben: Different strokes for different folks I guess

Jerry: Strokes. Lol

by xaneks September 25, 2014

27πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Rogue

Going from anal sex to vaginal sex. Commonly attempted without consent in an underhanded, mischievous, or bastard like manner.

Some asshole tried to pull a Dirty Rogue on me last night, so I punched him in the taint.

by Dirty Rogue October 18, 2009

27πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

dirty enzo

Pretty fucking dope shit boi

Man that guys doing dirty enzo

by Colonelgayker August 21, 2017

27πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Carole

marrying a man 22 years older, killing him and feeding him to your tigers and then claiming he had Alzheimer’s and disappeared so you can inherit his money for a Big Cat Rescue

If you don’t stop cheating on me and threatening to move to Costa Rica, I’m going to to Dirty Carole you.

by baddiebatesy April 3, 2020

27πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dirty chipmunk

A sexual move where a woman puts her mouth around your anus and you fart making her cheeks flare out like a chipmunk.

I just ate some beans how about a dirty chipmunk!!

by The Tysman May 23, 2009

71πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

dirty luke

To masterbate in a one-knee kneel, preferrably in the face of a partner wearing a stormtrooper mask. Inspired by Super Star Wars for SNES.

I gave the old girlfriend the dirty luke last night and she screamed like chewbacca.

Steve and Samantha like to get the old dirty luke on at least once a week.

by Mike, Bryan, Rebecca, Will January 22, 2007

214πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

Dirty Larry

When one masturbates on another one's front door, rings the door bell and then runs away.

Hey, the neighbor guy is a jerk, let's go give him a Dirty Larry.

by thegreathoudini December 8, 2012

65πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž