When you fuck up so bad that your friends turn on you and piss on and take a shit on your car. When you fail at the last second and lose the game. When you hit on your best friend's girlfriend/ex-girlfriend. When you spread rumors (even true ones) about your friends the the detriment of said friends. When you cock-block friends repeatedly at a high level at a party. When you are so filled with jealousy that you must copy the actions of former friends. When you wreck your friend's car and refuse to pay for the damages. When you are too much of a douche to comprehend. When you do any of these things you are pulling a DJ.
Pull a DJ: You and your friend (let's call him DJ) are at Lake Havasu in Arizona for a college Spring Break Party. DJ pusses out at ever turn. Instead of socializing he tans on the beach. He refuses to party. But worst of all he cock blocks you so hard that your penis boomerangs back into your body.
Whack a DJ is when a man grabs his Dick and try’s to whack as many hookers as possible to get the highest score. Almost like a game of whack a mole.
“Man I just participated in the craziest game of whack a DJ “
Am ability given to a Disc Jockey to receive sexual opportunities as a.result of their status and popularity.
The prestige opportunity to be sexually pleased by a popular Disc jockey
I had sex with her, but it was just me, Dj Smashing and noe she hook.
Girl last night I got Dj Smashed.
hey dj, sorry to say it but you do think that gurls dig you,
he is such a loser... he is mean too... stay away from him..
A person who constantly posts music videos on facebook for the sole reason of having the feeling of being a real life DJ. They get a sense of pride from all of the "Likes" and comments they receive, which further fuels their delusion of being a DJ.
Dude, look at all these great songs I posted on my page!
Give it a rest, Facebook DJ