He’s the biggest b*tch you’ll know. Big time thief. I got a fake gun that I try to flex with.
These two are meant for eachother! If an Eric ever meets a Tiffany, he needs to make sure she breaks up with her current BF and start hanging out immediately.
Oh dang, look at Eric and Tiffany, such a cute amazing couple they are, they would make the cutest baby.
If a Tiffany ever finds herself an Eric out in the wild, she must become available and break up with her current 12 year old BF. Then they can ride baby dinosaurs off into the sunset.
Dannggg, look at Eric and Tiffany, such a cute couple.
These two are perfect together, if a Tiffany ever finds her an Eric in the wild, she must break up with her current BF so they can ride dinosaurs off into the sunset.
Danngggg, look at Eric and Tiffany, so darn cute and they would make beautiful babies.
(Adj) A stupid dumb ass who only cares about the booty.
Stop being an Eric Henry! It's rude!
When someone does not allow you in their fantasy football league.
Wild, ruthless and will fight anyone he has a very bad nicotine addiction and he’s really cool to be around he gets parties lit. wild
Eric HagertyEric is very wild and ruthless he will fight anyone and has a very bad nicotine addiction