Source Code

smash that evil

The act of killing all borderlands enemies excluding the Sarcastic Slab

Smash that evil, that evil needs to be smashed

by TJITHINK June 5, 2024

evil wii

the highly experimental and rare version of the Nintendo Wii that, instead of playing games, will play games and kill your whole family, steal your motion, and ensure you have absolutely zero bitches.

Person 1: Hey, dude, what are you doing?
Person 2: Oh, just using my Evil Wii.
Person 1: Oh, damn, my bad, gang, proceed.

by INEEDMORESLOP February 8, 2025

Evil la

The phrase used to describe someone who has committed a deplorable act with a hint of silly.

Wow, I can’t believe he murdered 17 uncs from the retirement home. He’s an evil la stinker

by Octobro915 January 25, 2025

Evil blunt

The evil blunt is a blunt made with some dark evil type shi like fent🗣️🗣️🔥

Pass that nga the evil blunt

by Evilgng February 20, 2024

Evil Team

A connection to a person so strong nothing can break it.

Lancer: Hey, wanna be an Evil Team?

Susie: Sure.

by MaryIsNotThatCute June 29, 2020


Another way to say Eric. Cept in a cooler way.

Jessica came up with the world Evillic.

by soOper mOnkEy February 27, 2003


1337 way to say eric

Evillic makes blinkies.

by e V i l L i c February 25, 2003