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pee fart

Farting unintentionally while urination is occurring due to relaxation of the sphincter. An expulsion of pressure which leads to many an awkward public toilet moment.

I laughed my head off as I heard the lady in the next cubical do a squeaky one before her stream flowed. It was a belting pee fart!

I was dying to relax and pee but I knew a fart bubble would be released prior and everyone would hear my pee fart.

by mazabella June 29, 2013

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Ripe Fart

A fart that has extreme potentcy. Requires cover of the mouth and noise.

Damn dude, that was a ripe fart

by Jake Carmel November 13, 2007

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Safety Fart

The act of sitting on the toilet to do a fart, often caused by the fear of following through.

Rob really needed to fart but had just eaten some spicy ass Indian food, so he sat on the toilet and did a safety fart to avoid shitting his pants.

by Northern1 April 7, 2011

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fart breath

when you hold a fart in for so long, it goes back up your intestines, all the way up to your mouth, and your breath starts to smell like that fart

β€œOoof, Dana you really should’ve let that one rip before, cause now you’ve got major fart breath”

by Fiona Hornblower August 10, 2018

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Turd Fart

To blast a turd out your butt with fart gas.

I just let a Turd Fart and it made a noticeable splash in the toilet.

by i-aint-nobody May 4, 2010

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fart bugle

To fart through a wind instrument and produce funky sounds.

I saw Ornette Coleman the other night, and man, his playin' was so damn funky - like when Le Petomane was playin' the ol'e fart bugle in Paris way back in the day.

by Shit_4_Brains June 2, 2007

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Shower Fart

Possibly the worst farts one can make, excluding food factors. It is the poisonous mixture of running water and flatulence making rank ass farts. Never do this when your having sex in the shower,the hoe will probably slap you silly.

I had the worst shower fart this morning

by THE_MANMAN April 20, 2010

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