A flower case is one of those "aesthetic" cases all the indie girls have.
flower phone cases are "so in"
A bold statement from an even bolder young man. He picks the unique suit to impress the young ladies and this risky decision proves successful when he wakes up and discovers he has every woman (and man) he’s ever wanted and dreamed off
How do you get woman?
Wear the flower design hoco suit!!!
Slang for smoking weed.
Yo, you tryna look at a flower?
Sorry, I was looking at a flower.
a phrase that someone said by mistake. they intended to say 'creepy flower mascots' after looking at a picture at a worksheet with a picture of some flower mascots but instead said 'creepy flower mascots'.
(the mascots are not real. it is just a context for answering questions)
teacher: so the children can take pictures with these mascots.
random student: they look creepy
teacher: crispy flower mascots. wai-
Ate healthy; natural diet or mainly a plant based diet
going to a transexual massage parlor
I just got a fist full of dollars from the race tracks so I'm going to the flower shop!
A playstyle between two players (typically in Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare 1, 2, or Battle for Neighborville) both playing sunflower while using their heal beam on each other. They typically try to stay together the whole game and are a nuisance to deal with. If you are a bum flower, log off the game and go seek professional help.
Those bum flowers were a pain in the ass to deal with. This is the only situation where people actually play support flower.