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A game that sweaty nine year olds play and flex about having renegade raider

we like Fortnite we like fortnite we like fortnite

by lol boy 2169 fmrnrejg February 23, 2021


A gay game that people in elementary and middle schools love. For some reason no one will shut up about it.

Do you want to be a faggot and play Fortnite with me?

by FVDER December 10, 2018


A shitty game. That's it.

Guy 1: Hey bro, do you play Fortnite?
Guy 2: No, i'm not a dumbass.
Guy 1: oMg Y u HaTe FoRtNiTe ItS dA bEsT gAmE eVeR!!!!!11!1

by fortnite_is_gay_and_lesbian April 18, 2020


Literal cancer

“These 6th graders won’t shut the fuck up about Fortnite”

by Im vCardinal November 1, 2019


A recently discovered type of abdominal cancer that by stage 2 hijacks the nervous system by attaching itself to the spine and releasing specific euphoric chemicals produced by cell degeneration. it's usually caused by prolonged exposure to what's called "digital aids" which describes stuff like tiktok, vine compilations, and a plethora of different "influencers". some symptoms of this type of cancer include:
stage 1) addiction, and pain to the stomach region
stage 2) addiction, pain to the stomach region, discoloured tissue surrounding the tumor, and mild seizures
stage 3) addiction, pain to the stomach region, discoloured/rotting tissue surrounding the tumor, gender dysphoria, and seizures
stage 4) heavy addiction, immense pain, migraines, discoloured/rotting tissue surrounding the tumor, leaking of stomach acid, gender dysphoria, heavy seizures, and eventual organ failure.
the seizures caused by this disease can often be mistaken for obnoxious dancing.
this disease is spreading fast, and is quickly becoming an epidemic. spread the word, donate to the research into it. if we keep fighting, may be victorious.

"fortnite is an epidemic that's threatening our continued existed"

by November 12, 2019


A trash ass game that has 8-13 year olds playing this shitty game

fortnite kid: HeY FoRtNiTe Is BeTtEr

Everyone else: stfu Gaynite kid

by Mypoopisgood September 3, 2020


A stupid game that only 26 year old virgins play

We like fortnite

by your mom669 November 16, 2019