Can you say squirrel?
French person: (confidently) Square friend!
When your Soulmate doesn't see you that way, "He or She" sees you more like a Soul Friend
And She/He still waiting for Her/His Soulmate to show up one day, when you have been there all along.
So basically your Soul gets put in the Friend Zone, or Souls Friend Zone if you will.
The saddest part if you think about it, is that Soul Friendships last for eternity, so this is the definition of the worst kind of hell for that poor Soul that has been friend zoned forever, through infinite lifetimes and to the end of eternity.
Alice "did you hear about Jim?"
Steve "no, what happen?"
Alice "His Soulmate, Friend zoned him"
Steve "Damn! I though that being friend zoned was the worst thing that it can happen to a person, but that only lasts one lifetime.
But being Soul Friend takes this shit to a whole new level, that shit is for eternity"
A friendship solely with the purpose of a person without Netflix gaining access to the other's account.
Person A: Ay man I see you and Jason together a lot lately.
Person B: Nah man we're just friends with beNetflix. Gotta get my Walking Dead fix somehow..
When a man can't make up his mind and misses his window of opportunity with a woman, the woman mentally places him in her "friend bucket". Once relegated to this category, he may never be able to get back to being considered "boyfriend bucket" material.
Sam and Alma met on the train, and seemed to have chemistry together, but after 3 weeks of waiting for Sam to make his move, Alma decided to move on. Sam got dumped into the 'friend bucket' and he has no chance of regaining "boyfriend bucket" status.
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When you don't want to, can't, or it wouldn't be prudent to claim to have only one best friend. You have plane friends. They are best friends that you would jump on a plane for if they said they needed you.
Choose your plane friends carefully because they would also have to be willing to do the same for you. Generally, you don't have these until you are an adult and all your friends are scattered throughout the country.
I don't see Marc that much, but his still one of my plane friends.
When one of your friends is too chicken to add a new person that they're attracted to on a social website, and wants their friends to add the person along with him/her.
Well, what do you want us to do, gang-friend him?
Someone you are good enough friends with to invite to a party on your lawn but not close enough with to want them inside your home.
Ron: "Is Jerry coming out with us tonight? I saw him earlier today and he wanted to chill"
Tom: "Jerry? Fuck no, that guys just a yard friend"