dude dropped a massive goat loaf barking and foaming at the ass
nearly puked
Some people just act and smell like they suck goats. Not to name any names. Sometimes they need to be reminded.
You smell like you suck goats for minimum wage. Go suck a goat.
Conjured by sickness and fever, these goats lurk at the corners of consciousness. They plot your doom and bleat grim prophecy. They speak in the voice of William Shatner.
Weird or what!?
Last night as I doth twisted amongst my bed-clothes, the fever goats did come, not as nannys but as harbingers of my mortal demise.
-Edgar Allen Poe
We were playing twister and I slipped a backwards goat on her when she wasn't expecting it.
A person who thinks they are king shit but in all reality, will just end up cleaning goats in nigeria for pennies a day.
Wow he is such a fucking goat cleaner!
A variation of the goat where the man is either laying in the fetal position or flat on his stomach, cock and balls tucked back between his thighs, resembling a sleepy goat face.
Pat really needs to start wearing pants to bed, everytime I walk through the room it's like an ugly ass goat is just staring me down!
Her: send me a dick pic
Him: nah baby that ain't how we doing it in 2019
Him: hits her with the sleepy goat
Her: *sploosh*