Source Code

greasy spoon

when two sexual partners laying in the spoon position, the assumed male position (of behind) takes a spoon "greased" in KY jelly- sticks it into his own anus then removes it from his anus to give the assumed female position (in front)- then shoves the spoon into her mouth and twist's back and forth with a sharp wrist like movement.

this was made up while playing a game of catch phrase while inhebreated. the greasy spoon came up and sounded like a sexual position so we made the most disgusting thing we could think of for it... hope you like

my girlfriend has been bad, if she keeps it up i'm gonna give her the greasy spoon.

by Randy December 2, 2004

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reverse spooning

where the man lays on his side while he leans foward over the woman, who is leaning back, so they fit together like SPOONS. Hence the term

Im trying to add a pic of some1, reverse spooning, might take awhile, srry

by jasonlovescate March 17, 2007

7๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Dropping The Spoon

Dropping the spoon refers to sexual intercourse, usually oral that occurs under the table. It relates to the reference of โ€œdropping the soapโ€ in prison.

Mom sure has been dropping the spoon lately when the neighbors are over for dinnerโ€ฆ.

by TheZombieCactus February 11, 2022

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A homosexual male who lives most of his saying that he's heterosexual but everyone knows that he's really homosexual.

Everyone knew he was a Spoon-cake no matter how much denied it.

by jokerface249 June 24, 2009

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Spoon Drawer

Multiple (more than 2) people spooning together, consecutively, so that only 2 people have an open side.

"We were so drunk last night we made a spoon drawer and petted each other's hair"

by celestialJester January 7, 2013

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Spoon or Poon?

A question to be asked by friends / family or flatmates in order to ascertain what activities the person in question may have engaged in during a 'sleepover'

(Where the person in question simply spooned their sleepover buddy)
"So friend, spoon or poon?"

"A simple spoon mate"

(Where the person in question 'pooned' i.e shagged their sleepover buddy)

"So friend, spoon or poon?"

"Definitely a poon dude, took a trip to pound town"

by Sam-Aritan March 11, 2010

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peanut butter spoon

when there's a competition amongst donut operator followers and you win second place to loser on a cruiser.

Donut: you ever looked up peanut butter spoon on Urban dictionary?
everyone rn: no but im gonna do that
donut: i dont know if its a thing but it is now

by Jimbean69 September 19, 2020

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