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Brain Melt

A state of pure bliss.

Downtown makes my brain melt :)
(Being downtown puts me in a state of pure bliss)

by Akwarzart January 5, 2022

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Brain Worm

A theoretical condition where someone acts irrational or delusional in public or on the internet.

Jimmy believes that the birds aren’t real. He suffers from brain worm.

by The wingwang man May 6, 2023

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boob brain

when your brain is nothing but boob filled thoughts.

Jeff: Sorry I can't have a serious conversation right now, I'm boob brain at the moment.

by petal_power September 26, 2015

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Brewer Brain

Characteristic of the phenomenon experienced by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer during a televised debate in advance of the 2010 mid-term elections.

Man, I was right in the middle of telling her the ferret joke when I got hit with Brewer Brain!

by weazelmeat November 11, 2010

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Someone who is stupid but thinks he/she is smart

"I cant believe that he actually thinks he's so smart. He's such a fried-brain."

by thatkindofperson May 14, 2014

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brain bruiser

1. a teacher, tutor, instructor or anyone who bestows knowledge upon anyone

2. the act of learning something considered difficult, gaining knowledge or wisdom the hard way

1. On the first day of school, my parents sent my siblings and I into the caring tutelage of a new brain bruiser.

2. Learning quantum physics was a real brain bruiser!

by Ruby Slippers February 26, 2010

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brain diarhoea

shituation where right before an exam, you study a lot but you don't seem to be remembering anything... just like when you've eaten, but nothing is absorbed.

shituation where everything seems to be leaking out of your brain.

X:"dude, finished studying?"
Y:"uhh... brain diarhoea..."

by soul13 May 11, 2008

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