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Baptist Sunday Lunch

When a conservative married couple performs passionate oral sex for each other in between morning and evening church services, as per Southern Baptist tradition.

"The Davidson's asked us to lunch after churcn, dear, but I turned them down. Don't worry, I didn't tell them that we had a Baptist Sunday Lunch planned."

by NotYourAveragePK August 31, 2017

Eat Your Lunch

In business, when a competitor is interested in your product and service, but goes to another company, they are "eating your lunch." This happens often when a company strategy or branding is weak — the prospect is interested in what you sell, perhaps because of your marketing...hits your website... but they are not engaged. Their reaction is lukewarm, or "I don't get it." They don't know why they should pursue their interest in your product or service. So they go elsewhere. And your competition eats your lunch. (What's for dinner?!)

If you don't engage your prospects and prospects on your website, your competitors will eat your lunch.

by MarketPower Joel May 2, 2022

Lunch meat toupee

When a man puts his head between a woman's legs, but doesn't perform cunnilingus.

"I was so drunk last night, I tripped and fell head first into some chick's crotch. She totally gave me a lunch meat toupee!"

by FERNtastic November 3, 2014

To Lunch that guy in the face

To slap someone in the face with a lunch tray. Typically reserved for someone who is a total douche, when a traditional punch just won't do.

I bet even Gandhi would love To Lunch that guy in the face

by RedMcSwordHands May 14, 2017

Lunch debt story

A feel-good news story that covers a good deed but often fails to cover or ask what caused that person to said deed.

Named after the countless feel-good stories of school students raising money to pay off lunch debt that don't ask why students need to worry about being able to afford food.

"Jimmy here has raised $20,000 to keep 30 live puppies from being vaporized by the Puppy-Incenerator 5000. Next up, we have yet another heart-warming lunch debt story."

by E bough February 2, 2023

shitty lunch hands

when someone just ate their nasty/greasy/smelly/messy lunch and then proceeds to touch your hair, shake your hand or touch you in another way so as to wipe all the nasty crap they have on their hands on you. sometimes people do this by accident, but most likely not.

shana comes and starts touching diana's hair.

diana: hey wtf?

shana: what?

diana: your shitty lunch hands are touching my hair.

shana: oh sorry. fml.

by artemiseyude June 5, 2010

Post Lunch Depression

Where you are sad you ate what you did for lunch and know you will pay for it in the bathroom later.

Jeremy - "What's wrong Alan?"
Alan - "I'm dealing with Post Lunch Depression after the fried chicken I ate."

by I-HATE-MINE December 9, 2013