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Master out

stimulate one's genitals with one's hand for sexual pleasure.

Hey hes mastering out!!

by that person November 8, 2004

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FuckShit Master

Some One who is always on some fuckshit or Bullshit Or is usually the cause of Some FuckShit or Bullshit . A person who is trouble or badluck for people other than themselves . Like D-Bo From The movie "FRIDAY" .

Man Every time this guy shows up some bullshit occurs , Dis Some fuckshit . Dis Guy the FuckShit Master .

I Show up I Show Out Causing Death & Destruction I'm the FuckShit Master .

by Tev Naje August 21, 2011

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grunge master

One who has mastered the art of grunge bud.
Instuructor of growing the best grunge bud.

person 1: " Is this bud any good?"
person 2: "I am not sure, ask Scott, he's a Grunge Master".

by kath955 May 12, 2011

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Master of the Stratosphere

The trumpet player with the world's highest high register.

When I grow up, I'm gonna be the Master of the Stratosphere.

by thegreatwhitehype October 8, 2003

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arse master

to be a master of the rectum. If in US use "ass master", then followed by the word chump.

you's aint nothin but an arse master bitch!!

by pip-sticks August 13, 2006

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Master Plan

What Eggman has.

I am the Eggman, I've got the master plan.

by ileikwoomies June 14, 2019

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fairy master

one who is not merely gay but the epitome of gayness

Dwayne ran away like a little gay fairy master.

by Whiteman November 30, 2003

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