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Monkey Cheese

Term often used to describe a random, pointless act or outburst. Commonly used in an attempt to draw hilarity where none is found. Family Guy is notorious for many acts of 'monkey cheese' in its various flashbacks to scenes which have little or nothing to do with the plot, but are totally random in an attempt to draw a laugh.

zomg random ninja explosions! pirates robots woot thats some monkey cheese shit right there!!! z0r :awesome:

by Hurf February 28, 2008

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A woman (hopefully) whose sole reason for existence is sucking cock.

My girlfriend is a suck monkey.

by GS March 18, 2004

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Fudge Monkeys

A derogative for a curse word. this word is used to replace bad words

I just locked my keys in my car...Fudge Monkeys !

by Jippy N. April 3, 2009

37๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Curl Monkey

an idiot or inexperienced gym goer who does bicep curl after bicep curl after bicep curl to the neglect of their other body parts thus making professional , educated gym goers despair that their gym allows such riff raff in through the front door.

there were some curl monkeys curling in the squat rack today at my gym. i promptly told them to leave and then squated some heavy sets up to 475x10,15 pull ups, 20 triceps dips and several ab raises

by hi2u_uk October 2, 2011

49๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Monkey Business

It means all of the following: crazy shit, being shady, lies. You tend to use the term casually.

Girl: Can you let me borrow some cash? I'll pay you next week.

Dude: I don't think so, that sounds like monkey business.

by Lucifer firefly February 26, 2012

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steroid monkey

A common lamen who takes roids to increase his puny muscle mass while shrinking his manhood thus creating the ultimate douchebag regret with small man syndrome. Typically where's sunglasses at night and inside clubs, wife-beaters or shiny bedazzled shirts to show off his roid muscles and to intimidate others. Except he is just over 5' tall and is always looked down upon at which time he spits on people and runs away screaming like a little bitch. Once in the safety of his Benz with chrome rims and blacked out windows he believes is he now invisible to those around him and safe.

Doubebags are never safe, they stick out like a fat kid eating McDicks inside a McDicks. Joseph D'Antonio may have this experience while he worked at McDicks flipping burgers until his muscles grew and he was too good for burger flipping in his mind. He then got a nice Pit Bull and random tattoos all over his body to compliment his new roid muscle and turned into a full fledge Douchebag of Vancouver. He's currently applying to be on the Douchebags of Vancouver TV show which will air as soon as they can find enough Douchebags who can actually spell and sign their name.

Steroid Monkeys like Douchebag, Joseph D'Antonio local Vancouver Celebrity in the car scene who recently attacked and spit on a fellow car enthusiast because he had roid rage over a parking spot at a grocery store. He then ran away like a bitch, but came back to key the victims vehicle and then ran away like a little bitch a second time.

by Douchebag Hunter December 20, 2013

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Monkey Funch

1. used for any undescribable secretion, act, behavior, or smell in a sexual or non sexual situation.

2. Gathered filth under the front seat of you pathetic beater car.

3. The fluid floating on top of Dannon fruit on the bottom yogurt.

1. The girl was so hot, i couldn't wait to go down on her, but when she took off her panties, her hoo hoo was covered with.... with.... MONKEY FUNCH!

2. No dude, i cant shoot hoops today, i gotta clean the munkey funch from under my drivers seat.

3. I gotta pour that Monkey Funch off of my yogurt, I aint eatin that!

by Kirk Anderson and Mark VanVlack December 1, 2005

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