an extreme hangover which makes you feel like your stomach is infact dancing a merry jig and trying to escape from your mouth and/or chest much like in aliens.
"ahhhhh man i feel like ass i cant hack this car ride meet me at cats in need"
"I feel so fuckin cats in need somebody get me a resolve"
"ahhhhhhhh i felt so cats in need last nite had to go vomit till the early hours"
When a guy is at his lowest point and would literally date a girl who likes to pretend she's an animal
Man I need a therian gf (it's over)
7👍 11👎
An emergency distress signal generated in the chaotic depths of internet slang. Originating from the keyboard smash tradition, "lskdjf" is a primal expression of frustration or panic, while "OKNHSDF" stands for "Oh Knock-kneed Nifflers Halt Snacking, Dumbledore's Flamingo!" - a whimsical plea for magical intervention. When desperation peaks, "NEED HELP SEND HELP NOW" is the ultimate cry for assistance, conveying a sense of urgency that transcends language barriers. Often used humorously, this acronym symbolizes the digital SOS of the internet age, where memes and mayhem collide.
"Accidentally deleted my term paper, and now it's just a document full of 'lskdjfOKNHSDF NEED HELP SEND HELP NOW.' Hoping some tech-savvy wizard can rescue my GPA before it vanishes into the abyss of academic oblivion."
2 meanings:
1. When your father wants to cheat on your mother so he goes out to his fling (the 'milk') and never returns
2. The fling is a boy because your father turned gay so the milk is....
Little Johnny: Dad, where are you going?
Dad: Its okay Johnny, Daddy needs to get the milk, ok?
Little Johnny: But I know what the truth is from Tiktok!
Dad: (shoots Little Johnny) Well now you don't :)
(Dad leaves)
Another word for needing a shit
Hey john, il be right back, I need a brown
a term used by the brault guy when he pulls up to kustomwerx autobody in that van and has that flip phone and needs to get the check for paint supplies and materials
"hey there partner how ya doing, ima need to get that check, you got that check?
used to express aggravation and standingonbusinessification if a ho is obviously looking for trouble and wants to catch these hands.
Girl A: 'You look crazy as fuck in that outfit lmfao...'
Girl B: 'Ho do you need that???'