When a woman specifically expresses her disinterest in a potential suitor by incessantly playing with her phone. It is a passive form of rejection for a guy who will find his remaining dignity in the friend zone.
Tim thought he had an opportunity to smash with Madison but she phone zoned the hell out of him.
A person that uses a cel phone to avoid people or conversation.
Joe was walking down amongst street people and decided to use the phone-phoney technique to avoid being pan-handled.
When a male leans in excessively close to a female to see something displayed on the female's hand held device (phone, camera, ipod) in order to achieve physical contact.
When Sara showed Jim the picture they just took together, Jim used the phone move to get close enough to lean against her.
When a girl says their phone is ringing they mean that they are on their period. It’s a talk between ladies.
My phone is ringing. How annoying!
A plastic appearing saxophone. Normally has a matte type of finish.
“The girl in the second row plays a Plasti-phone. Wonder how much it was.”
A portable, handheld mobile device called a celluar phone - although it is rarely used as an actual phone to make/receive calls
Common uses: texting, sexting, social media posts, check the time, taking selfies or other pics of interest, check the temperature, get directions, track your significant other, write yourself a reminder, check your email, flashlight to get your doorkey in the hole, look up word meanings ie Urban dictionary, see your bank balance, transfer a few bucks to your friend for the dutch treat Pizza, ordering Domino's delivery, summoning an Uber ride, personal calendar, playing games such as Candy Crush while waiting for your friend to pump gas, shopping at Amazon, eBay, wish, etc....
Guy: "do you know what time it is?"
Girl: "check your cell phone, yo"
Betty: "where is your girlfriend tonight?"
Bill: "I don't know, let me check my GPS tracker on my cell phone."
Girl 1: "are you seriously taking a pic of that blank wall with your cell phone?"
Girl 2: "no, haha. It's a selfie."
(Girl 3 quickly photo bombs)
An amazing piece of technology that lets you talk to people on the other side of the planet, but is never appreciated.
Jim: My new Iphone is a piece of shit.
Bob: Oh yeah my cell phone is a piece of shit to.