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Pocket Nude

When you send a nude by accident. Instead of a pocket call its a pocket nude.

Oops im sorry grandma , I accidentally sent you a pocket nude.

by lisamarial March 8, 2022

pocket personality

A pocket personality (plural: personalities) is a person who has a cult following, as in a cult of personality, while having a relatively small amount of fame or notoriety.

The rise of social media has created many a pocket personality who wield their userbase as an extension of themselves with the intent to create drama and increase personal clout.

by Lambo Peterson September 4, 2019

Pocket Sand

A term used in airsoft. Refers to when someone runs out of bb's in their guns and resorts to throwing a hand-full of bb's from their pocket at their opponent.

"Shit, I'm dry and there's a guy coming right for me. Welp, POCKET SAND!"

by Stop The $t3@| January 26, 2021

Drinkers Pocket

you go out for a good clubbing / drinking session with alot of notes. Every time you go to the bar you pull out a note to pay with. 'Drinkers Pocket' is what you have the next morning when you put on the trousers you had on the night before. or search trough them to find your cash

last night i went out with £100. ordered a fair few drinks, the next morning i checked my pockets, i had "drinkers Pocket with around £25-£30 left all in £1, 50p and other coins.

by Matt2210 June 7, 2010

pocket answer


The accidental answering of a cell phone where the person is overheard talking, but not realizing it. The caller assumes the recipient is carrying the phone in a pocket.

"Man. I hear him talk but he doesn't know he is on the phone. Must be a pocket answer."

by Rob32608 May 4, 2012

pocket nuke

A tactical nuclear weapon, pocket-sized, capable of vaporizing one full sized adult and with zero nuclear fallout.

I dropped a pocket nuke on that moron and vaporized his ass.

by JZoll October 2, 2015

Hot pockets

Why did those have to get recalled? (Unless your reading in 2100)

Daddy loves his hot pockets. He eats them all the time.

by My yee 2 January 17, 2021