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Salty Pants

To be uncomfortable in your trousers.....like having "salt in your pants".

What's up with homeboy? He's acting a fool, like he's got "SALTY PANTS!?"

by J. Wiles June 25, 2006

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salty susan

Someone who constantly or easily gets angry or offended when things don't go their way. Somewhat the same as a Negative Nancy....or butt hurt Becky.

Chick 1- "Man she sure is being such a salty Susan!

Chick 2-" Yea she is, She could turn a freshwater lake into the Dead Sea!"

Chick 1-"Yea, she totally could!"

by CammiS09 November 11, 2015

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salty doorknob

When one sticks a door knob in their ass, does a kartwheel to open the door.
Making the door a salty door knob

My hands were full so I did a salty doorknob to open it.

by noahsmith33 March 29, 2016

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Salty Dog

North Jersey slang for letting a girl give you a blowjob after you have ALREADY had sex with another woman WITHOUT washing your dick first

That girl is such a pig! After I banged Renee, I drove over to Sherries place and gave her the Salty Dog!

by A REAL Cugine April 23, 2008

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Salty Dog

The act of defecating into the ocean thereby allowing for salty sea water to gently enter your anus. Local to New York.

"Damn no bathrooms in sight, might have to resort to a salty dog in the Atlantic."

"My asshole is always so sensitive after a salty dog. It's worth it though."

by The Salty Dogster August 14, 2011

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Salty Sammy

A salty sammy is the a natural part of the morning wake up process. When a person wakes up, and pours that first lovin' bowl of cereal, they open there fridge and find (gasp) there out of milk! By going to your nearest male neighbor, or calling up ur gay lover, u simple ask for them to realse there milky salty semen into your milk creating now, a more enjoyable treat.

Derick helped me prepare my morning salty sammy!

by Stoppenzefloppin March 31, 2005

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Salty Pickleback

Taking a whiskey shot followed by a shot of pickle juice with semen.

Chris: Let's do a salty pickleback shot!
Roxy: Hell yes! Salty pickleback shots are my favorite!

by Double Wide November 18, 2012

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