Source Code

.exe has stopped working

Usually when someone is very confused in a text conversation they would send a meme that reads out: β€œ___.exe has stopped working” This originated from a Windows pop-up message if a window takes too long to respond.

Guy #1: Everything in the world is either made of bananas or not bananas...

Guy #2: *Guy #2.exe has stopped working*

Guy #1: lol

by Fingynium July 27, 2020

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

stop pissing me off

A term said to another when they continuously frustrate you by their actions or foul mouth causing you to feel displeasure and anger. When you've had enough and want to illustrate how you are frustrated by them but don't have to the guts to apply an insult or threat, you can tell them how you are feeling pissed and you have had enough.

"Dude stop pissing me off, I've literally had enough of you"

by GoblinCircus February 5, 2018

13πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

stop poking my ribs

stop pulling my leg;
stop yanking my chain;
get your elbow out of my potato salad

Are you fo shiz? Stop poking my ribs.

by weenis gordomendz January 19, 2009

14πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

can you just stop

A way used to tell someone who is doing something that is annoying or to tell to just stop whatever they are doing. Often saying can you just stop alone will not be enough to get your message through. For example if the person you want to stop is a annoying person or just highly persistent often it will take multiple can you just stop. In more extreme cases cursing may be needed to get the message through.

Guy:how was your day?
Annoying guy:oh yea I went this cool trip bla bla bla
(10hours later)

by mr mr jellyman October 30, 2017

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Stop Dormroom Gayness

A protest against(usually nonexistant) homosexual activity or lifestyles in the dormitories of any given institution of higher learning. The protestis highly complex, and usually consists of creating artificial dormroom gayness to protest against in the first place. See dormroom gayness.

Man! Steven and Shawn...are those pictures -supposed- to be part of the Stop Dormroom Gayness campain?

by Benjamin Haynes October 15, 2005

4πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Non stop Nut November

A challenge made by the greatest of squirrels Risu. Go subscribe right now one her youtube channel and have some nuts.

Guy: I failed No Nut November.
Dude: Don't worry you can still win Non stop Nut November.

by M4774 November 22, 2021

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Oh god no please stop

What women say when you have sex with them to let you know that they're not comfortable.
If you ever hear this, stop. definitely stop. you should probably not be looking for the definition of this on urban dictionary, you should have stopped like 15 seconds ago at least. Why are you still reading, please stop. How did you not know this meant stop. Why did you have to google it. Anyway who uses their phone during sex regardless. Weirdo.

Woman: "Oh god no please stop"
Man: (Stops)
Woman: Thank you.
Its not hard.

by ILikeJoshVeryMuchIThinkHesCool June 23, 2022

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