A- Yo bro have you seen Kay's new girlfriend?
B- Yeah she used to swallow my melted sugar
A- Oh wow you're a menace
A title of which someone who simps will buy the person they simp for gifts such as clothes, jewelry or other items they want, however they don't ask for anything back as making the person they simp for happy is payment enough; Someone who buys gifts for someone they simp for and either asks for nothing in return or says you can pay them in affection.
"I told my boyfriend to buy me a top that I liked as a joke but he actually went and got it for me along with some other things on my Amazon wishlist! When I said I owed him he said that I already repay him in affection."
".....Your boyfriend is a sugar simp omfg-"
What you become when you shove a Gordian Knot of gummy worms down your throat, chug an entire 2L soda, a candy bar milkshake, then snort an entire bag of sugar for good measure.
"Jason really overdid the candy at the party yesterday, he's still Sugar retarded"
To suck a lollipop or popsicle as you would a Dick.
Jamie- Damnnnn son, that girl over there is sugar sucking that popsicle.
Son- why does that matter?
Jamie- cause thats gonna be how you want it.
Where you have a sugar rush but your body just rejects the energy and you feel sluggish as hell.
Jimmy Jim: Man I had the worst sugar hangover last night.
Chrisy Chris: tight bro.
noun, adj: an extremely annoying and mean person who is manipulative towards her 'friends' and army who follow her blindly. Fairly certian her brother is Voldemort
"Ugh this girl just emailed me something really mean."
"Don't mind her she's just a vegan sugar."
A woman that have very sugary titties that taste like some sugar crisps
Damn Brian has some phat sugar titties