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gotta make bank

Need to or desire to make money for some defined purpose or goal. Rent, mortgage, Aruba, kid's tuition, killer LED flat screen, night vision goggles, helicopter leasing, etc. The "earning" part of earning and burning. Usually followed by an edgey or vulgar noun. Like bro, dude, sister, chief, motha fuka, biatch. An interesting approach to making one's relative lack of funds seem more cool and hip in bro-to-bro or bro-to ho-discussions. Can be used in different tenses and forms: Make bank, made bank, making bank

Bro-to-Bro, "Yeah, I'm working this weekend man. That Cabo trip is coming up and I gotta make bank, holmes.."

Office Drone 1 : You still here dude?
Office Drone 2: Making bank, muthafuka!

Bro-to-ho, "I know you want set the date, but baby I gots to makes the bank, you hear? No ca-ching, no bling. Now get in the kitchen and make me a damn pie."

by Max Caffeine September 15, 2009

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

put that in the pussy bank

When you do a good deed that should absolutely get you laid, but you're not trying to get ass at the moment, you put that in the pussy bank. When you're ready to go to Pound Town, you make a withdrawal from the Pussy Bank. Rinse and repeat.

Why yes, I did clean the entire house and take out the garbage. Gonna put that in the pussy bank.

by flapjackfaceslap December 2, 2016

Spank bank

A sperm bank, a place for males to get 'free' money in exchange for sperm, thus spank and bank as in a financial institution

I need to go to the spank bank, I'm dead broke

by Anonyasfad April 7, 2008

21πŸ‘ 155πŸ‘Ž

Chicago Bank Roll

It's a term used about how you hold your money. Some think that its all singles with a twenty on the outside. But, original it's was used for when you are in public. People can't see if your ballin, so you put the big bills in the middle and you work outward.

That kid is smart carrying that Chicago Bank Roll.

by junior burnett March 8, 2005

159πŸ‘ 39πŸ‘Ž

Grand Bahamas Bank

An undersea plateau containing the islands of Grand Bahamas and Elbow Caye.

The Grand Bahamas Bank is huge !

by Island Brooio May 20, 2022

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Who You Bank With?

A question scammers often ask people they want to scam. If someone asks you this, don’t answer.

Scammer: Aye Josh, who you bank with?

Josh: Navy Federal

Scammer: Tap in! I can make you $10,000 overnight
Josh: No, I’m not risking my account getting closed for fraud!

by hurthispockets July 10, 2022


To 'have' ones banjo string snap while 'banking' one 'within' a girl (or boy).

A case of St. Swithin

St. Swithin (or more properly, Swithun) was a Saxon Bishop of Winchester. He was born in the kingdom of Wessex and educated in its capital, Winchester. He was famous for building churches as well as enforcing circumcision within his congregation.

Hey up, my penis is leaking puss after I was Havin-swithen-bank, I need to wrap it up.

by scampy the dog December 13, 2010