Billy the cat inst a cat he doesn't take showers so we think he is scared of water like a cat. He smells really bad like he just rolled in shit and he doesn't brush his teeth so when he opens his mouth he has poop residue in his mouth. It rotting his teeth and he is slow in the head like he just got done doing crack. when his mom lets him have a dog she has to hide the peanut butter but she doesn't let him have a dog because what he did that was inappropriate in the past. She walked in on him with peanut butter and the dog i do not need to explain anymore you guys get the idea what he does with animals. He also started humping his dog and he got his dog pregnant what a creep that his life comes down to this.
Billy the cat like men.
The art of emptying a residential wheely bin on the residents property whilst banging on the door and shouting "bugger the cat" in a loud manner
Alreet mate, do you fancy a game of "bugger the cat" in the posh estate?
The art of juggling relationships with many women at the same time.
Brian has to meet 4 girls in one night, without letting any of them know the others exist. His cat juggling skills will be tested tonight.
A cat from Alabama, Yellow in color, loving in nature. And a fierce hunter of mice.
Yella Cat came in to our lives like a song and left behind a melody we shall never forget.
It is the apex predator of Arvada, Colorado. It has the strength of ten raccoons, the length of a vespa scooter, the height of a fire hydrants, and the eyes of a demon long dead (just red). It is rarer than big foot, chupacabra, and an affordable housing with a view of the mountains.
"Bro, I just saw the Weasel Cat by 72nd and Wadsworth"
Pants Cat (Pellentesque Felis) is a common warm blooded species found throughout several parts of the world. While there are still many wild, untamed breeds of this species, the most common is the Domestic Hairless Pants Cat. This breed typically thrives in dark environments that are rich in alcohol and that are also shared with its prey, the wild Trouser Snake (Trouser Coluber). While requiring some skill, the Pants Cat can be tamed. The Domestic Pants Cat requires pets, kisses, free drinks and its prime feeding time is after last call. The opposite rules of Gremlins apply: Always keep it wet and always feed it after midnight.
"Hope that Pants Cat is a Sphynx and not a Himalayan."
When an indoor/outdoor cat is locked up in the house for far too long due to inclement weather, and he gets to the point where he has to release his energy. This is done usually via misbehavior. Cat Crazy has defined symptoms such as the eyes gleam with this inner light, the cat looks around in a crazed manner, so his body language announces that the rampage is about to begin. Once this powerful force takes control of the cat, all previous house rules are "cur-tailed." Forbidden cubbards become mountain hikes to be relished; tops of refrigerators become peaks to be scaled, etc. After the energy is expelled, the cat then settles down for a relieved nap.
Now that it's 115 degrees outside during the day and 90 degrees at night here in Arizona, the incidents of our cats going cat crazy have picked up geometrically. We were awoken several times this week to the noises of our cats rampaging through the house in utter frustration.
Sheriff Bruiny Bear Goodfellow, who usually upholds the law by protecting the perimeters of the yard, sat in the middle of the kitchen floor, looking around furtively. He was about to break the kitchen rules, and he was well aware of it. The tops of the kitchen cubbards beckoned him as does a downhill run for a college student ditching class in winter. The forbidden rampage lasted only five minutes, but for him, it was worth every second. Thereafter, he settled down for a good snooze.